Ina Oostrom
Aromatherapy Hypnosis
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Ina Oostrom is the owner and director of HypnosisMentor OMNI Hypnosis Training Center® Netherlands. She is an (international) speaker and teacher of hypnotherapy. Once you step into the world of essential oils, there is really no turning back. The opulence that the plant world transfers to us by giving its essence to us is comprehensive. Through the multiplicity of scents and constituents, the oils bring us a wealth of therapeutic uses.
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"What do i get by joining Hypnosis masters?"
Here is a short summary of what you get when you join Hypnosis Masters International Summit
Do you want to Learn Hypnosis from over 40 Experienced Trainers from around the world?
These sessions will help you improve and transform your life. You can use them for yourself or to help your friends, family and clients.
Join this event and Learn from the Best!
Here is how Hypnosis MASTERS Summit
will improve your Personal and Professional Life
You have the UNIQUE chance to learn Hypnosis from some of the most experienced Hypnosis Trainers from around the world.
Think of it like an Hypnosis Master Course, taught by over 40 teachers and trainers. You learn Hypnosis techniques, methods, strategies, both from trainers with extensive experience in Hypnosis as well as new experts who are blazing new trails of personal development and therapy using Hypnosis. Learn, apply, transform and enjoy the changes you are creating.
Learn from the Safety of your Home! All you need is access to Internet and a device to connect. You can watch from you phone, tablet or Computer.
Save time, energy and money while learning from the safety of your own home. You don't have to waste time and money with traveling. You can enjoy learning and growing right where you are. Access all the LIVE presentations and recordings and Save thousands of dollars/euros.
World Class Information
Hypnosis Masters Summit brings you very valuable and practical information which you can apply immediately so you can start affecting change. These techniques and methods can be used for you own benefit or to help others, such as your clients, patients or friends.
Get Access to Special Bonuses and Prizes
When you join us at the Hypnosis Masters Summit you have the chance to acces some amazing bonuses and special offers from our spekers, as well as from organisers and our partners.
These will be your to enjoy and use for the rest of your life! Don't let this chance pass...
Hypnosis Masterclasses with International Experts
Choose how you want to learn and enrich your life:
The long and expensive path
The short and safe path
Enjoy this Unique Chance of learning from some of the best specialists in Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the world!
Your CHANCE to learn from decades of experience from some of the best Hypnosis trainers in the world today!
These experts are here to FREELY offer you their knowledge, time, experience, and expertise so YOU can Learn, Grow and Share. Sign up right now, FOR FREE and transform your life and the life of those you help!
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